Friday, September 18, 2009

Sleep with Sunshine Design Kids and Chicatique

Here is the pillow from Sunshine Design Kids,

sunshine design kids pillow

There are 2 poses, one for you and the special someone who sleeps on the bed. That way, both of you can chat in a cozy position

If you are alone like me, you could sleep on your own

sunshine design kids pillow_002

The outfits wore on both pictures are prizes from Chicatique. I try wearing the child version of the outfit on my adult av and it looks nice too. The outfits differ in the tops only.

4;Chicatique;MD;Remember to always say thank you
41;Sunshine Design Kids;MD;No hint needed
M = Mother D = Daughter

Hair: Jess from Truth (Use "Search" -> "Places" to find store)
Kid's skin: ~JD~ SKINS AND SHAPES ~
Kid's shape: FREE*STYLE POSES @ Ravenwear (Pay what you want)