Meet my second male avatar, boi!
His name is called boi because I saw this name over at
Free*Style and thought it look nice (not sound nice cos I can’t pronounce it). However, I have no idea what it means. Anyway, all my avatars reside on my red ice account so boi is just a name I use in my inventory.
I got him when I stalked a lucky board featured by Sliver Milneaux from
Free*Style. The shape and the skin (not shown but I love it too) are created by a Taiwanese.
From there, the rest is just an accumulation of inventory. :)
::[ Mr.Poet ]::Aimer boy shape (come with skin not shown) lucky board prize
Eyes: Zombie No Eyes - ZombiePopcornSL group gift
Pet: ZombiePopcorn-Hunt Prize - ZombiePopcornSL group gift
I also sent an edited copy of the photo to Jenica Penucca from
ZombiePopcornSL where one can submit photos taken with the
ZombiePopcorn Doll.
Someday, I will create my own male shape...................... or maybe not.